British TV productions have won five awards at the International Emmys in the US, including best actress for Julie Walters.

She was honoured for her Bafta-winning portrayal of Mo Mowlam in Channel 4's Mo, a biopic about the late politician.

Christopher Eccleston was named best actor for his role in Jimmy McGovern's Accused on BBC One, which also won best drama series.

Each episode told the story of a character who ends up in court.

Eccleston played a plumber who found £20,000 in the back of a cab but was arrested after it turned out the money was forged.

Gareth Malone Goes to Glyndebourne won best arts programme.

The series, about a group of teenagers training to star in a new opera for the world renowned Glyndebourne opera house, was produced by Twenty Twenty Television for BBC Two.

Twenty Twenty also won the non-scripted entertainment award for The World's Strictest Parents, which aired on BBC Three.

Lady Gaga made a surprise appearance at the ceremony, which was hosted by actor Jason Priestley at the Hilton hotel in New York.

The pop star presented an honorary prize to American Idol's executive producer, Nigel Lythgoe, another British export.


Nigel Lythgoe: "Every the bridesmaid, never the bride - tonight is fabulous and I'm thrilled"

Gaga said Lythgoe was her favourite TV executive - he returned the compliment, describing her as "the most creatively talented woman in showbusiness right now".

Chile won its first international Emmy for children's programme, What Is Your Dream?

Belgium won best comedy series for Benidorm Bastards, a hidden camera show that follows seven elderly people playing tricks on young people.

Canada picked up the best documentary prize for Life with Murder, about a family torn apart when a 20-year-old is charged with the murder of his 19-year-old sister.

Swedish crime drama, Millennium, won best TV movie or mini-series and Portugal won the prize for best telenovela - a limited-run serial drama popular in Latin American - for Blood Ties.

The International Emmys celebrate TV production outside the US.



在第4頻道的莫,有關已故政治家的傳記,她很榮幸為她贏得 BAFTA -莫Mowlam寫照。



埃克萊斯頓起到了水暖工發現在駕駛室後面英鎊 20,000,但被逮捕後,原來的錢是偽造的。


製作一系列有關的培訓,為世界著名的戈林德伯恩歌劇院的新歌劇明星的青少年組,由二十二十電視台 BBC二。


Lady Gaga的一個驚喜亮相儀式,這是由演員傑森普萊斯託管在紐約希爾頓酒店。

流行音樂明星頒發榮譽獎,另一位英國出口的美國偶像的執行製片人奈傑爾 Lythgoe。


奈傑爾 Lythgoe:“每一個伴娘,永遠的新娘 - 今晚是美妙的,我很高興”

Gaga說 Lythgoe是她最喜愛的電視行政 - 他回來的讚美,稱她為“最有創造性的才女,現在在showbusiness”。



加拿大拿起謀殺生命的最佳紀錄片獎,四分五裂被控謀殺他19歲的妹妹當一個 20歲的家庭。

瑞典罪案劇,千年,獲得了最佳電視電影或迷你系列和葡萄牙贏得了最好的telenovela獎 - 有限的運行在拉美流行的連續劇 - 血緣。



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